NIJ's LEADS Scholars program supports the professional development and research capacity of mid-career, sworn law enforcement officers dedicated to advancing the police profession through science. NIJ is partnered with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the RAND Corporation and the Police Executive Research Forum to award 10 three-year scholarships for research-minded law enforcement officers. The program has grown to 50 officers across the country, who have formed a network of individuals committed to using evidence and data to inform law enforcement policy and practice. Among other activities, LEADS Scholars will attend the 2019 IACP Annual Conference in Chicago. This year, NIJ is committed to broadening representation by prioritizing the inclusion of at least one LEADS Scholar whose law enforcement responsibilities include public safety in tribal jurisdictions. All travel, accommodation and per diem costs associated with participating in the LEADS Scholars program will be covered by NIJ. Applications are due May 31, 2019. For more information and to apply, go to
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- course materials
- courses
- crime
- crime attacks
- criminal law
- Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996
- criminal procedure rules (CPR).
- Critical Security Controls (CSC)
- cryptographic algorithm
- current
- cyber
- cyber events
- Cyber Forensics Research & Education Group / Lab
- cyber management
- Cyber Security
- cyber security advice
- cyber-discovery
- cyber-teaching
- cyberattack
- cybercrime
- cybercriminals
- D-Day 6th June 1944
- D500
- D600
- damaged SIM card
- Darryl Santry
- data
- data_ark
- databases
- DDoS
- decrypt signalling
- deleted
- deleted data recovery (DDR)
- dense/urban
- Deobfuscator.cpp
- Design Tools
- Designers: Saharudin Busri
- detailed discussions
- determine location
- Device Under Test
- Deygout 1966
- DFIR Training
- differential power attack
- diffractions models
- digital evidence
- digital examinations
- Digital Finance Stakeholders
- digital forensics
- digital handling
- Digital Intelligence Officer
- digital investigations
- disaster
- disciples
- discovery.
- dog whistle
- dolphin
- domestic appliances
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- draft data
- Drone Forensics
- dump
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- eDiscovery
- Elad Erez
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- electronic notes
- Elementary Files
- embedded antenna
- embedded SIM
- emergency
- eMMC
- emoji
- Emotion icons
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- employment agencies
- encrypted
- encrypted data
- encryption
- England
- English Flag
- Ericsson
- eSIM
- ET
- Eternal Blues
- ethics
- EU
- evidence
- evidence determination
- examination
- examination tool
- examiners
- exhibit bag
- experienced examiners.
- external antenna
- extraction tool
- face ID
- face recognition
- factory reset
- factory restore
- Faculty of Computer Science
- fake BTS
- Fake text messages
- false base station
- fault-finding
- Field of Remembrance
- Field project investigations
- FinTech
- firewall
- firing bullets
- first English translation
- first woman
- first written computer program
- fixed
- flash
- flash file
- flaws
- Football
- forensic
- forensic chip off
- Forensic Science Regulator
- forensics
- four-year research
- framework
- free
- FREE JTAGing course
- FREE research tool
- freedom
- Fresnel. Fresnel–Kirchhoff diffraction
- Froyo (2.2.x)
- full time
- GC
- Gingerbread (2.3.x)
- global
- GmsCore.apk
- good working practices
- Google analytics
- google play store
- Graphic Tools
- Great Britain
- Greedy Garbage
- GSM SIM card
- GT-I9100P
- Guardian Newspaper
- hacking
- hacks
- handling
- handling procedure
- handoff
- handover
- handset
- handset memory
- hardware
- hex reader
- hijack
- history
- Huygens–Fresnel diffractions
- HxD
- i360
- Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.x)
- Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS)
- iDEN
- image
- image coding
- images
- imaging
- IMDs
- iMessage
- infiltration
- Infographics
- Information technology
- InnerCity Cell Site Analysis
- inspirer
- institutions
- intention
- international telecommunications union
- internet
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Interntaional Telegrahy Convention of 1865
- investigating a target's movements
- investigation
- investigations
- Investigators
- iOS
- IoT Watch
- IP Address
- iPAD Air 2
- iPAD mini 3
- IPhone
- iPhone 4s etc
- iPhone 5C
- iPhone 7
- iphone releases
- iPhoneReader.exe
- ISO?IEC 27037:2012
- ISO/IEC 17020
- ISO/IEC 17025:2005
- ISO/IEC 17788:2014
- ISO/IEC 17789:2014
- ISO17025
- iso9001
- ITU recommendations
- jailbreaking
- Jamie Morris
- Jelly Bean (4.1)
- job description
- Jobs & Career
- Joe Hoy
- John Wiley Sons
- JPEG 2000
- Judges
- Kairos
- knife
- Knox
- LAA (Licensed Assisted Access)
- laboratory
- large cells
- large-scale computer networks
- Last SIM Details
- Latest Tech
- law
- Law Enforcement
- leader
- learning
- legacy
- legal
- location-based tests.
- logcat
- logical channel
- lollipop 5.0-5.1
- London
- London Eye
- London Stock Exchange
- low cost
- LSD.exe
- M2M
- M2M crime
- malicious code
- malware
- malware analysis
- malware file victim (MFV)
- manufacturing
- map
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- masterinformationblock(MIB)
- MCC and MNC
- Memory Stick
- memory sticks
- mens rea
- metadata
- metamodel
- methodology
- metrology
- Metropolitan Police
- MI5
- MI6
- micro Secure Digital Card
- microchip
- MicroSave
- Microsoft
- Mike "forensimike" Williams
- mistake
- misunderstanding evidence
- MiTM
- mobile
- mobile communications
- mobile data traffic
- mobile devices
- mobile examination
- mobile examiner
- Mobile Forensics
- mobile network
- mobile operator
- mobile phone examination
- mobile phone gun
- Mobile Phones
- mobile stats
- Mobile Telephone Seizure Procedure
- Mobility Models
- modal verb terminology
- Mohd Nizam Najmuddin
- Mohd Rohaizam Mohd Tahar
- Monolithic Flash Devices
- moral
- most widely used
- movement
- MoviNAND
- MTEB Certificates
- MTEB Conference
- MTEB courses
- MTEB Seminars
- MTEB Seminars. Seminar II
- MTProto
- Namespace Specific String (NSS)
- national crime agency
- national cyber security centre
- National Day
- National Digital Science and Justice Office (NDSJO)
- National Security
- Nazjimee Amat Omar
- network
- newcomers
- Nokia
- normal burst
- Normandy Landings
- not in human hearing range
- NotPetya
- Nuzairi Yasin
- Office Elements
- Office for National Statistics
- on e person organisation
- one person organisation
- OPc
- operating system (OS) stats
- organisation security
- organisation technology
- over-the-air (OTA)
- Overview and vocabulary
- paper notes
- parsing
- Part 1
- part 1-2-3-4
- part 2
- passcode
- path loss
- PC
- Pc Game
- pepper spray
- peter and john
- Phill Moore
- phillips
- phonescoop
- physical channel
- physical leads/cables and terminating plugs
- pilgrims
- Pixhawk
- podcast
- Poppy Day
- Popular Tools
- posters
- practices
- pre-planning
- Presentation
- presumption
- Principles
- privacy and security
- procedure
- procedures
- process
- processes
- Professor Peter Sommer
- Project Loon
- prosecution
- PX4
- QA
- QC
- quality assurance
- quality control
- radio
- Radio and Electronic Laboratory Handbook
- Radio Frequency Propagation Surveys
- Random Walk Mobility Model
- ransomware
- real heros
- red and white bunting
- reflection
- regulations
- Reliability
- reliance on tools
- Rememberance
- remembrance
- Remembrance Day
- Replay Attack
- reports and guidance
- Research
- restore
- retention period
- reverse engineering. digital forensics
- RF survey
- Richard Branson
- rogue UE
- rural
- s.69 PACE 1984
- safety
- Samsung
- Samsung Pay
- Samung
- Santa Claus
- satellite
- scattering
- Schrodinger's Cat
- scripts
- Scroggie and Johnstone
- SD Card memory
- secrets
- Secure Digital Card
- secure financial transactions
- secure messaging
- security
- security leaks
- Security Services
- Security techniques
- security vulnerability
- seizure procedure
- Senic
- servers
- services
- serving of evidence
- side-channel attack
- Signal
- SIM card
- SIM cards
- simulation
- simultaneous notes (SN)
- site survey
- small business
- small cells
- smart homes.
- smart phones
- smart switch
- smartphone data.
- smartphone operating systems
- smartphone platform
- smartphones
- SMBv1
- SMEs
- Smishing
- SMS Phishing
- SMS text messages
- solicitors
- Solid State Devices
- Sony Ericsson
- source code
- sovereignty.
- special branch
- speed of radio signals
- SS7 attacks
- St George's Day
- St. George's Day
- standards
- Startups
- State Departments
- statistics
- statutory law
- strategies
- stratosphere
- student
- students
- stung gun
- Survey
- suspicious activity report 2017
- switch data
- System Information Blocks (SIBs)
- systeminformationblocktype(SIB)
- Sze Tze
- tablets
- TC Cyber
- TDEL034
- Tech Tricks
- techknoledge
- technical library
- technical posts
- Technology
- technology estate
- techtalk4teachers
- telecom installation
- telecommunications
- Telegram App
- terrain
- Terrain Classification/Profiling
- terrorist event
- test data
- test utility
- tester
- testing
- Tetra
- text messages
- The Art of War
- The Chard
- The Crime Survey for England and Wales 2016
- The Register
- The resurrection
- thesis
- Threatware
- Threema
- Tomáš Sušánka
- tool testing
- tools
- top British businessman
- tourist attraction
- tower
- trace data
- tracking
- traffic logs
- training
- training courses E3
- trojan
- Trudy
- tutorial
- UFD (USB Flash Drive)
- ultrasonic
- Unboxings
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
- Uniform Resource Name (URN)
- Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
- universal network investigations
- Universities
- University of New Haven (UNH)
- University of Sunderland
- Unlock
- unspoiled memory chips
- updated 2017
- USB Type C
- USB2USB File Management
- use in evidence
- user data
- user history
- USIM Card
- USIM memory
- USIM Service Table
- vacancies
- validate
- validation
- Vbus
- Vcc
- Vegetation index (VI)
- verify
- viaForensics
- viewing tower
- virus
- voice calls
- VoiceRecorder
- WannaCry
- wcdma
- weapon
- WhatsApp network forensics
- Whisper
- Wi-Fi
- WiFi
- WiFi History
- WiFi History. cell site analysis
- windows
- wireless
- wireshark
- World War 1
- xD
- Yosemite
- Z667G
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