Watch this video if you have any questions regarding my written instructions below.... 1. Open this google slideshow 2. Go to file and then MAKE A COPY 3. Title your slide show with your LAST NAME, VAT PORTFOLIO, CLASS PERIOD 4. Insert jpeg files of your work into the appropriate slides (missing anything? get caught up now) 5. Share this portfolio with me so that I can Grade it (my name is zachary wisser)
Do you Kahoot??Ok, so this may be old hat to some of you early adopters out there, but Kahoot has added such a fun element to my classroom. It is an educationa…Read More
Grit...Our students need to learn a little perseverance. And so do we. As a teacher trainer as well as a classroom teacher, I find that teachers …Read More
Why teach coding or programming?So, if you are anything like me, you are overwhelmed. The different ability levels in your classroom, the demands of testing, even the sheer num…Read More
Secrets and Evidence of Older MobilesIt is good to learn that the Nokia 3310 may make a return, albeit with an Android operating system. The nostalgia for these types of mobile phones has…Read More
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